Salmon are here!!!
Salmon have shown up in good numbers, and the brown trout fishing is still on fire!! 70 to 80 feet of water for the browns and 90 to 125 feet for salmon. Catfish creek to the salmon river area for the browns and most of the kings are coming from the salmon river to sandy …
Hot Brown Trout action… Salmon fishing not so much.
Our Brown Trout fishing is fantastic right now. It is as good as it can get. Catching 3 or 4 man limits in the norm, with some of these fish reaching 8 – 10 lbs. We have been fishing for Salmon some, especially in the afternoons. It has been inconsistent to say the least. Catching …
Continue reading “Hot Brown Trout action… Salmon fishing not so much.”
Browns still biting good.
We were averaging a dozen browns or more a trip this last week, the salmon have been off and on.Most days 3 or 4 kings is a good day. Fish 70 to 90 feet of water for the Browns and 100 to 150 feet of water for salmon. Good Luck!!
Hot Fishing!!!
The Salmon and Brown trout fishing was red hot the last few days. Browns where coming in 65 to 75 feet of water and kings in 140 to 160 feet. E-chips and flies are thumping the kings and drag around michigan stingers for the browns. Copper 400 to 500 feet back is taking some kings. …
Salmon are here!!
Despite unsettled weather and Relentless wind the salmon fishing has been good. Best fishing has been 150 to 200 feet of water from mexico point to north of sandy pond. White, Chartreuse and Green e-chips with Crazyfish, pro-am and TG flies are working well. 120 to 140 feet down on the riggers was working but …
June fishing improving
Sorry for the lack of reports lately. We are very busy with school activities and also we are not fishing quite as much this time of the year. I guess lots of other people have kids and find it hard to get away on a fishing trip right now. It’s ok though. The 4th of …
Big may Kings!!
We’ve had some good salmon and Brown fishing this last week. The browns came in 8 to 12 feet of water from the salmon river to sandy pond and kings were 100 to 175 feet of water from nine mile point to sandy pond. Michigan stingers are working for the salmon and smithwicks, michigans and …
Red hot spring lake fishing.
The fishing on the open lake both shallow and in deeper water, has been very good. Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, before we got chased off by thunder and lightening, were both great. The deep water fish on Friday, were between 65 – 105 fow. just west of the Salmon River. The near shore browns …
A nice day on the river.
Liz, Dave, Michelle and steve had a good day on the river with us, thanks again guys we will see you at the Harrisburg show!!
2009 river season coming to an end!!
Only a couple more floats this week and the spring floats are done. Brown Trout and Salmon fishing on the big boats from here on out. We want to thank all of you for coming up or down and fishing with us this spring. A reminder, if any one wants there same dates for next …